Server Manamagent Problem

We've updated our service provider and identified a user management issue. If your new server isn't appearing on the dashboard, please notify us on Discord. We're fixing this proactively to minimize your inconvenience.
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* Allow up to 5 minutes to reflect changes

Getting Started

Follow these steps to start syncing your player's parties


Create a server

Navigate to your account dashboard and click

Add Server
Create a Server

Modify your server

Upon creating your server you will be prompted to fill out some basic information. By filling out your server's IP, we can pull that information to obtain realtime stats on your server.

Modify server

Configure API secret

You will be provided a secret key on your server listing page, that you should never share with anyone. This key is used to authenticate your server with our API. Copy and pate your API key into the CobblemonExtras config file located inside your server directory. Be sure to restart afterwards.

Modify server

You're all set!

Your player's parties will now be synchronized by the following triggers.
  • Logging in
  • Logging out
  • By default all online players will be synced every 5 minutes. This is configurable.